21 July 2023

Image of School Newsletter July 2023

"Though it is the smallest of all seeds when it grows, it is the largest of garden plants and becomes a tree

so that the birds come and perch in its branches.” 

It has been another really busy and exciting term at The Howard Primary School. Our children continue to grow and flourish in their educational journey and have enjoyed many wonderful opportunities this term. I cannot believe that we are at the end of the school year already! 


“Photography is the beauty of life captured” 


We've recently had a photography day to update our website. It was such an enjoyable day filled with many, many photos that beautifully captured the uniqueness of our school. Reception children playing with water, pond dipping in Forest School, enjoying cricket and playing on the trim trails plus working hard in their lessons. The wonderful pictures are beginning to appear on our website so please take a look. They give a glimpse into life at our school but no amount of photos can do it justice.

Year 6

Our year six children continue to prepare for high school. They have enjoyed transition days recently and put on a truly remarkable version of the play Treasure Island.  They have also been very busy on the sporting field with recent competitions in cricket and tennis as well as representing our school in our MAT wide cross country event.  So a final farewell to our Year 6 children who have graced us with their presence this year and for many more before.

They leave us as wonderful young men and women. They are a special group of children and their impact on the school has been phenomenal. All the best in all you do in your future careers. Believe and Achieve! 

Goodbye Misss Delderfield 

We send all of our love, thanks and support to Miss Delderfield as she embarks on her next exciting adventure - training to be a teacher. She has had such an impact on The Howard and touched the lives of so many. We know she will go on to do great things and hopefully come back to work for us one day too! 


We have also enjoyed our PTA’s colour run which was full of excitement, joy and laughter and the summer fair was a huge success enjoyed by all! Nearly £400 was raised (with support from our School Council) for Dementia which is just amazing. PTA resources have been spent on a range of resources to enrich our curriculum with some exciting purchases planned for over the summer. Watch this space!

We have also welcomed our new reception intake and cannot wait for them to join us in September. They have had lots of fun getting to know their new classmates, teachers and support staff and are already well immersed into life at The Howard Primary. Overall it has been an exciting and enriching term with many more adventures to come in September. 

Our school hall has had some work done to it recently: new blinds have freshened the place up and it has been adorned with plants to bring the outside in. We aim to create a calm and inviting environment for our children to thrive. Adorned on the wall we have mounted a large sign that shows our school motto Believe and Achieve; these last few weeks have epitomised our motto with such high standards of work, SATs tests and performances showing that everything is possible. Beneath our motto are our values Love.Respect.Friendship. 

We live by these words at The Howard. Our children are wonderful and deserve a good rest over the summer. Thank you to all parents, grandparents, children and wider community members for your continued support for our wonderful school. I hope you have a great summer.


Mr Wynn


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