19 May 2023

Dear Families
I have now been in post as Headteacher at The Howard since Easter. Such is the welcome I have received from parents, children and the wider community it seems like I have been in post for so much longer. So many wonderful events have already occurred in what has been a busy term for all.
I have taken much pleasure in attending the school’s PTA Chocolate Bingo evening in the village hall where valuable funds were raised for our school in a jovial, fun evening enjoyed by all. The turn out of support from the community was wonderful to see with Elford residents of all ages enjoying winning their chocolate easter eggs. Some winning many more eggs than others!
The village Coronation events were also an experience I will never forget. It was such a wonderful day filled with traditional games such as Splat-the-Rat , a family quiz and waffles, sweets and drinks aplenty. It was lovely to see the school full of happy children and families on what turned out to be a glorious sunny Sunday. I must extend a huge thanks to all those that volunteered at school over the weekend to support Elford in its event.
The children of The Howard have also been working super hard in their lessons. I have enjoyed getting to know them all and have been very impressed with their work and above all their manners and enjoyment for their schooling. I must mention Year 6 who have completed their SATs recently. Their results will not be with us for a while yet but their effort, attitude to learning and desire to be the best they can be was a credit to them, our school and their families. Don’t forget that each week you can see what your children have been up to in their classes by visiting their class blogs or follow us on Instagram or Twitter!
The May Queen events this week have been a real highlight of the year and with class trips and residentials to the seaside plus the end of year leavers services, there is still so much excitement ahead of us at The Howard primary school. I have really enjoyed my new role as Headteacher here and am so grateful for all the support, kind words and acceptance I have received.
PE Kit
I recently updated you on PE Kit availability at one of our suppliers. I have since been informed of another great opportunity to purchase our tracksuits via this link here. The kit is cheaper and can be ordered online. As mentioned all non-branded PE kit can be purchased at most supermarkets so there is no pressure to have the branded tracksuit. We jsut want all our children to look smart and ready for their PE kit. I look forward toseeing all of our children looking smart in their PE kit next term. Uniform website information
Friends of Howard - PTFA
Hi all,
We’re writing this after a wonderful night at May Queen. This term has been a short one with all the bank holidays, but it’s fab having the sunny weather coming in as it makes everything just so much better! This term we have enjoyed our coronation event at school, initially aiming to break even, we actually raised £742.54! It was fab to see all the joy, especially at the water fight at the end. So grateful for those who volunteered their time to make it a success!
Then, tonight was the May Queen. Massive thanks to Sarah who liaised with pretty much every May Queen ever and got so many wonderful photos for everyone to enjoy, it was fantastic to see the May Queen in action over the years. Thank you.
Well done to Dee to who led this one, and made it VERY epic! Also, thank you to our volunteers who made it run so smoothly. What a night! We think we raised around £750 (approx as still waiting fees - thank you Roz for being so efficient with the numbers!)In terms of spending all the money that you have raised, we are looking at big things to finish the outdoor area, we have all the quotes and we are just on the final stages of last few clarifications. We have also supported our leavers with a trip, their hoodies and SATS breakfasts. We have also given each class a pot to spend as they wish. The books have also been delivered this half term from your sponsored read! On our return, we have THE COLOUR RUN on the 23rd June – there may be even more paint this year! If you are free to help at this please let us know. We then have a clothing collection on 7th July, leavers play and finally the Summer Fayre on 21st July with Summer raffle ……our top prize….Weekend Bestival tickets for 2 adults and 4 children!!! Now for our glorious 2 weeks off, enjoy it folks, we can’t believe the school year is nearly complete, it’s absolutely flown by!
"Though it is the smallest of all seeds when it grows, it is the largest of garden plants and becomes a tree so that the birds come and perch in its branches.” Parable of the Mustard Seed