Homework is used to enhance and support the learning which takes place in school; it should not be a chore or battle. Little and often is the best way.

Weekly Homework

  • Sharing a book- daily reading is important
  • Common Exception Words Year 1 
  • Learning weekly spellings - Monster Phonics Spelling book


There may be additional homework which may take the form of research or investigation, or if a child needs more practice in Maths or English. However, this will be on a needs basis.

Reading Diaries will be checked weekly but please make sure that they are in school everyday so that your child can read with their teachers.

In class, we encourage children to read at home five times per week. Children who read five times per week will receive a dojo and be entered into our whole school five times reader competition.


Helping your Child to Read at Home

Monster Phonics

We will be following the Monster Phonics Scheme for teaching reading and spelling. Monster Phonics categorises the sounds in the English language into 10 monsters. These monsters will be a huge part of your child's learning. Please look at them at home and talk about the monsters together. Here is a link to a video that introduces the monsters: https://youtu.be/5u0N7LJIW0Q

White Rose Maths 

How best to help your child at home? Why not support their mathematics journey by accessing their learning through these Home workbooks. Simply click on the link and work though the questions with your child. Revision at the end of a unit is always beneficial as to is some pre-teaching, showing them the next unit they will be learning about in school can boost confidence as well as subject knowledge. 

Maths to do at home


MAT Multiplication Overview- All Year Groups


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