Welcome to Class 3!

Class 3

Stuart Challinor

Stuart Challinor

Class 3 Teacher

Laura Rowland

Laura Rowland


We would like to warmly welcome you to Class 3 with Mr Challinor 

We are a  class of year 5 and 6 children.  Our aim is to be responsible and independent members of our school community who are role models for the rest of the school.  

We are excited about learning and we work hard to achieve our individual potentials.  We know that taking little steps each day is the key to making good progress.  We are resilient and understand that when things do not go to plan, we can learn from this to ensure a different outcome the next time.

We are looking forward to broadening our horizons, deepening our understanding of the world around us, and learning new skills through exciting topics and experiences, as well as having fun along our journey towards a bright and joyful future. 



PE is on a Wednesday and Thursday and children are asked to come to school in their school PE kit on these days.  It would be helpful if children could avoid wearing jewellery on PE days.  Earrings cannot be worn during PE lessons and long hair will need to be tied back..  As a polite reminder our PE kit consists of:

Plain white T-shirt

Plain black shorts

White sports socks


Plain black sweatshirt

Plain black jogging bottoms

The school tracksuit is optional 

Please avoid branded clothing - your support is much appreciated.



(click here to see uniform guidelines Uniform


Our Curriculum

We follow a 2 year rolling program at The Howard. Details of all of our curriculum plans can be found here.


Reading for Pleasure

We believe that it is important to encourage everyone to develop a 'Life-long Love of Reading'.

Children will have opportunities throughout the week to 'read for pleasure', so they can bring in books from home or borrow them from the library. Below are a list of Recommended Reads for Year 5 and Year 6Why not challenge your child to read them all over the year? They might even find their new favourite author or discover their all-time favourite book! More details about our Recommended Book List Challenge Are you up for the Challenge?


Recommended Reads Class 3

Benefits of Reading for Pleasure

Choosing a Book

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