Class 2

Harriet Jennings

Harriet Jennings

Jennette Fallows

Jennette Fallows


Welcome to our class page!

Here you will find important information including: overviews for what we are learning, spellings, useful dates including PE days and reading diary checks, helpful knowledge mats for our topics and ideas for age appropriate reading texts.

Our class is a mix of Year 2, 3 and 4 and we work brilliantly together. We enjoy our learning and like to take on new challenges. You'll find examples of this on our class blog, why not have a look and find out what we have been up to in our classroom. 




 PE is on a Wednesday, all children to come dressed in PE kit on these days unless informed otherwise via dojo.


Our Curriculum

We follow a 2 year rolling program at The Howard. Details of all of our curriculum plans can be found here.

 We believe that it is important to encourage everyone to develop a 'Life-long Love of Reading'.

Children will have opportunities throughout the week to 'read for pleasure', so they can bring in books from home or borrow them from the library. Below are a list of Recommended Reads for Year 3 and Year 4Why not challenge your child to read them all over the year? They might even find their new favourite author or discover their all-time favourite book! 


Recommended Reads

Benefits of Reading for Pleasure

Choosing a Book

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