Homework is used to enhance and support the learning which takes place in school; it should not be a chore or battle. Little and often is the best way.

Weekly homework

  • 20 minute daily reading - please record this in the reading diaries. Reading records and reading book should be in school on a daily basis.
  • Y2 to practice their weekly phonics spelling sound in their monster spelling book. These will be given out and tested on a Friday.
  • learning multiplication tables

There may be additional homework which may take the form of research or investigation, or if a child needs more practice in maths or English. However, this will be on a needs basis. 

Reading Diaries will be checked weekly on a Monday but please make sure that they are in school everyday so that your child can read with their teachers.

In class, we encourage children to read at home five times per week and record this in their reading diaries. Children who read five times per week will be celebrated in class and in achievement assembly.

Helping your Child to Read at Home

Spelling Shed is available as an additional support to spelling practise of CEW.

Click the link below.

                                                                                                             White Rose Maths ...

Please find below some resources to support additional home learning for maths. These follow a similar format to the questions the children work on in school. Any additional work on these at home will help further enhance their learning in school.

Our Autumn topics are as follows:

Year 2:

Place value, Addition and Subtraction and Shape.

Year 3 and 4 

Place Value, Addition and Subtraction and Multiplication and Division.

Whiterose Maths Home Learning

                                                                                                    Maths Timestables


By the end of Year 4, pupils will be tested on their rapid recall of their multiplication tables to 12x12.

The below websites are fab for practising times tables and are free to log onto.

Games to play on the Ipad or computer: click on images below


   A range of games to play together at home

  instructions can be found here: https://www.multiplication.com/teach/classroom-games

  • Bingo    • Snap   • Memory game   • Fizz Buzz     • Bus    • Zap    • Around the World



MAT Multiplication Overview- All Year Groups

Multiplication Tables Check- Guide for Parents


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