3 October 2024

Image of PTFA Sensory garden

Our school’s new sensory garden has already become a hub of excitement, learning, and teamwork! These last few weeks, the project has really begun to take shape as PTA parent volunteers and children have started to plant up the garden. Thanks to generous donations and the dedication of our school community, the sensory garden is starting to bloom- literally!

One of the highlights has been seeing the children get their hands dirty (well, sort of—they were wearing new gloves!) as they used the brand new gardening tools and watering cans donated by the PTA. These tools were excitedly received by our eager gardeners, as they dug into the soil and planted a variety of spring bulbs. From bright daffodils to fragrant hyacinths, the students planted each bulb with care, looking forward to the colourful results when spring arrives.

Thanks to a generous donation from a gardening show, sourced by Sadie and Pete, we were able to introduce plants like lavender, mint, rosemary, and other fragrant herbs into the garden- perfect additions for a sensory experience that will engage children’s sense of smell as well as touch and sight. The fresh, aromatic herbs were a big hit with the children, who loved rubbing the leaves between their fingers to release the different scents.

With each bulb and plant carefully tucked into the soil, our sensory garden is truly starting to take shape. The children have already begun to take ownership of the space, and the pride they feel in contributing to its growth is just so lovely to see.

A massive thank you goes out to Sadie Cameron for her hard work in securing these generous donations and to all the PTA volunteers who gave their time to make the planting day a success.

The sensory garden is still a work in progress, and we can’t wait to see it evolve in the months to come.

If you’d like to get involved in future gardening events, help with maintaining the garden, or have ideas for new additions, don’t hesitate to reach out to the PTA. Together, we’re creating not just a garden, but a space where our children can learn, explore, and grow.

Posted by Mr Wynn

Category: PTFA

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