6 May 2022

Image of KS2 Votes for Schools Weekly vote

Each week, the children in KS2 take part in Votes  for Schools whereby we discuss important issues and then children make an informed choice about whether to vote yes or no.

We respect each other’s opinions as everyone has the freedom of choice, as long as it is informed and respectful. 

This week the key question was-

is sport the right place for raising awareness?

After exploring this question and what it means, then looking at reasons  for and against, the children took part in a ballot. This was a private vote, like we do when we vote in the elections. 

The Results-

Yes- 18 votes

No- 2 votes 

The overwhelming majority of our children think that sports should use their platform to raise awareness of important issues! 

We can’t wait to see what we are debating next week.

Votes for schools


Category: School

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