21 January 2022

What an amazing week! After the difficulties of the last couple of weeks (in addition to a new teacher) the children have once again shown how adaptable they can be.
We hit the ground running on Monday morning. In maths year 5 have started work on multiplication and division while year 6 have been looking at problems involving decimals. We have continued to read The Explorer in our English lessons. We have been looking at how story openings need to grab the readers attention and make them want to read on. Following on from this we have started to write a piece of narrative from the point of view of the explorer. We have come up with some amazing language and descriptions (using DADWAVERS). As you can see from out photo gallery we have been looking at graffiti art and we have created our own versions of a piece of his work. In science we have looked at how animals and plants can be classified and in geography we have learnt about how plants have adapted to survive in the Amazon. We have been working on balance in gymnastics.
I have thoroughly enjoyed my first week with my new class. They have shown real enthusiasm for the work we have done and also demonstrated positivity and resilience when presented with challenges that are new. We have lots of hard work in front of us but we will be up for the challenge!
Posted by Mr Challinor
Category: Class 3