16 May 2024

May Newsletter
This term we have been busy preparing for our May Queen celebrations. Each class has been rehearsing their own maypole dance alongside learning our traditional songs for our May walk. The children have demonstrated fantastic teamwork and are excited to perform for you all at the celebration. This is such a special time for all the children, but especially for our Year sixes who will be crowned May Queens alongside performing their traditional flower poems. The half term break may be a good time to search out your May sticks or create new ones if this is your first time joining the celebrations (examples and more information can be found on dojo). We cannot wait to see these in action.
We have been out and about in our local community this term. We have enjoyed two fantastic sessions with the Time Out Dementia Caring charity at the village hall. From sharing stories and poems to playing team games and splat the rat, we are so proud of and grateful for this time supporting our community. We have also enjoyed visits from our local PCSO’s and Dog’s Trust alongside carrying out fieldwork and traffic surveys in our geography topic.
Most recently, we enjoyed a visit from our friends in Awoingt. They came to school to meet the children and were impressed by their language skills and singing! We are so proud of our connections in France and look forward to sharing more of our learning with them.
Our amazing Year 6 have completed their SATs this week. We are so proud of them for all of their hard work; their dedication to their homework and their positivity throughout. It was an honour to watch them approach each test with such perseverance and resilience. SATs are not the making of a child but how they are approached by the children is a reflection of their characters - our 9 children are amazing in every way and have progressed so much this year. They are kind, caring, respectful and ultimately wonderful young adults.
Next term we will be learning about the value of Peace in assembly and gearing up to Sport's Day, our Leavers Service and all the excitement that comes with it. We also look forward to a new term of clubs. School Council completed a poll across the school to ascertain which clubs children would like to see in the final term and we are excited to announce we will be running a cookery, fencing and golf club. We will also be having our transition day with our new class teachers. I cannot believe we are approaching the end of another school year already!
The final term is always jam packed with exciting events and sporting fixtures. All event information is posted to our website and dojo so please take a look at what is coming up. As always, if there are any queries or questions please direct communication to our office email and dojo where Mrs Moss, as always, is on hand to help.
We hope that you all have a restful two weeks break and some time with your families and friends.
Mr Wynn and Miss Jennings