20 May 2022

Image of Reading for Pleasure- New 50 Recommended Reads, ready for September Launch

It's so exciting because the 'Friends of Howard' have purchased the brand new Recommended Reads for each year group from Reception to Year 6. At Howard, reading is a priority and we want to ensure that our children enjoy reading and have the opportunity to read from a wide repertoire of books, authors and topics. Therefore, we will be launching our Recommended Reads as home readers for children and parents to enjoy. In Class 1, the books will be sent home for children to share with their parents as a bedtime story (alongside their phonetically decodable reading book). Whereas, in KS2, for the majority of children, they will replace the 'Book Banded' home readers.

Hopefully, this will inspire our children as readers and enable them to find a favourite book or author. We want reading to be pleasurable rather than a chore and we want our children to enjoy reading at home. We are positive that having these books as home readers will engender a love of reading. 

Keep a lookout for details of our launch...Happy reading everyone!

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