18 May 2022
In preparation for Class 3’s Green Power race day, we have been set the challenge of raising £100 to cover the costs of the event. As a school, we have decided to hold a GREEN ENVIRONMENTAL DAY. This will take place on Wednesday 18th May. Children will be asked to make a £1 donation, in exchange for coming to school in non-school uniform. If children could wear a green item of clothing that would be amazing! In addition to this, we would like to hold a cake sale during our morning break. For this, we are asking if any parents would be willing to donate homemade cakes or biscuits (or shop-bought would be fine). Children will then be able to purchase these, and any that are leftover at the end of the day will be available for parents to purchase. If you would like your child to purchase a cake, then please provide them with a maximum of £1.
As part of the day, children will be taking part in a number of activities including a forest school activity, pond dipping, bug hunts and a village litter pick!
We hope that you will support us with our environmental day, and we look forward to reporting back on class 3’s GREEN POWER RACE DAY.
Thank you in advance
Mr Challinor