20 October 2021

Image of Class 3 (Year 5 and 6) Trip to Birches Valley, Cannock Chase

Class 3 (Year 5 and 6) Trip to Birches Valley, Cannock Chase


On Wednesday 20th October, Class 4 and 5 will be going on a trip to Cannock Chase, Birches Valley as part of their Geography topic - orienteering.  The children will be transported via a coach (leaving at approximately 9:00am and returning for 3:15pm).  During the day, the children will complete an orienteering course.


All children will require a packed lunch and drink (no fizzy drinks please).  They will need suitable clothing for outdoor activities i.e. waterproof coat and tracksuit and will also need suitable footwear for walking through wet grass and mud (old trainers or wellies). 


The cost of this visit is £4.75 per child.  This includes the entrance fee, insurance cover (where contractual insurance has been purchased) and travel.  Please pay via ParentPay - TH Trip Birches Valley October 2021.


Please click or alternatively copy and paste the link below into your browser, to complete the consent form by Monday 18th October, to allow your child to attend this trip:-



Yours sincerely,


Miss Dyer

Class 3 Teacher

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